Miguel Almiron, Ph.D. 'Aesthetics, Sciences & Technologies of Art', is a Media Artist and Professor at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France. He is a member of research lab (Institut ACTE). From 2008 until 2012 he was the director of Bachelor Art “Visual Studies, Multimedia and Digital Art”, from 2018 until 2022 he was director of Master “Digital Art and Visual Culture” of University Gustave Eiffel (UGE).
He leads a theoretical and technical practice exploring and reflecting on the possibilities of expressing the senses of body, and the human being through the use of new digital technologies. His artistic work has been exhibited in galleries and festivals in France and abroad. He has published: A la recherche du visage perdu dans l'art numérique (M. Almiron, Lille, PUS, 2022), Stéréoscopie et Illusion (Eds. M. Almiron, G. Pisano & E. Jacopin, Lille, PUS, 2018), Magie Numérique (Eds. M. Almiron, G. Pisano & S. Bazou, Lille, PUS, 2018). He is member to the projet Dem’Arts of Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and he was member associated to the Labex Arts-H2H/Ens Louis-Lumière research program "Deceptive Arts. Machines, Magic, Media."